'Infuse Your Life With Action'

What is the number one item on your wish list?
I am grateful for all that I have, but the one thing I cannot wait to get my hands on are the Begum crystal-embellished PVC slingback pumps by Amina Muaddi.
One life lesson you want to share.
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen, rather, make it happen. Make your own hope and learn to enjoy every minute of your life. When life throws you curveballs, you have to hit them out of the park!
The biggest learning point or experience in your life.
What I have learned is that opportunities don't just come knocking on your door, sometimes, you need to do the knocking. You have to be able to make a case for your company to relevant designers- I am constantly learning and trying to grow. What I do is the biggest learning point in my life. I learn to run my own business, my company. I'm learning to be a founder, CEO, and a creative director.
What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?
Relax a bit and enjoy the present, you don't carry the world's biggest problem.
If you could move to any country in the world, what would it be?
I would move to London, United Kingdom in a heartbeat. Apart from the amazing history and diversity the UK has to offer, I love British designers, the open green spaces, the tea (of course), and definitely the food!
Favourite fictional character of all time - and why.
I love comics so it has to be Wonder Woman, she's a born warrior. I like to think of myself as similar to her but fighting a different war all together.
The best thing you've ever bought yourself and why?
The first thing I ever bought for myself was a bag from Hermes. I grew up dreaming about that bag and as soon as I got my first big bonus, from the previous company I worked for, I bought it. After putting in a lot of hard work, I was ecstatic to buy it. This bag is so versatile, it can be used from day to night, whether you are dressed up or dressed down.
A superpower you wish you had?
If I had been given the option of having superpowers, being able to lasso the truth out of people would be what I wish for.
If you were head of your country, what is the first thing you'd do?
The first thing I would do is to create more awareness about racism and how it can affect people and taking the necessary measures to stop it. Also, I am a firm believer of women empowerment - which is also the key to economic growth, political stability and social transformation.
Source : Khaleej Times